Our Temperature and Relative Humidity Laboratory is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD) according to ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17025 (Cert. No 426) to perform calibrations for the following instruments:
- incubators and laboratory chambers
- climatic and isothermal chambers
- refrigerators, freezers, ultra low temperature freezers
- furnaces (up to +1,100oC)
- ovens of column chromatography
- baths
- dissolution testers
- autoclaves
- isothermal blocks, COD testing instruments
- polymerase chain reactions (PCRs), Real Time PCRs (dynamic and static calibration)
- melting point apparatuses
- temperature tunnels
- direct reading optical thermometers
(IR/Infrared thermometers) - digital/analogue direct reading thermometers, digital data loggers (-80oC to +650oC)
- partial/total immersion, liquid in glass thermometers
- direct reading thermometers, digital/analogue temperature data loggers
Chamber Calibration Certificate sample here
PCR Calibration Certificate sample hereThermometer Calibration Certificate sample here
Analog and digital hygrometers, relative humidity data loggers
Relative Humidity Calibration Certificate sample here
See here our Scope of Accrediatation for the performance of calibrations.